Grants to Museums

Claude Monet (1840-1926), Impression, Soleil Levant (détail), 1872 - Paris, Musée Marmottan Monet, Don Eugène et Victorine Donop de Monchy (donateurs)
© musée Marmottan Monet, Paris / Studio Baraja SLB

Paris 1874. Inventing Impressionism

In celebration of the 150th anniversary of Impressionism

March 26 – July 14, 2024
Musée d’Orsay

In the fall 2023, AFMO launched a fundraising campaign in support of the upcoming Paris 1874 exhibition and the celebration of the 150th anniversary of Impressionism.

In addition to supporting the exhibition at the musée d’Orsay, AFMO has initiated an Impressionist season in celebration not only of the anniversary and the ever strong influence of this groundbreaking art movement, but also of French-American friendship.

This appeal has been met with incredible enthusiasm and it is testament to the relevance of such a celebration, the influence of Impressionist movement and the strength of transatlantic bonds. Thank You.

Special thanks to our generous donors:

Indigare Travel

Melissa Biggs Bradley
Cary Brown
Robert Buxton
Lisa Chanel
Thomas Block and Marilyn Friedman
Kenneth Howery
Robert and Sherry Johnson
Dean and Elizabeth Kehler
Peter and Judy Kovler
Andrea Laporte
Denise Littlefield Sobel
Paul Vizcarrondo

Ron Davis and Barbara Rom
Alan Jones
Richard Knaub and 400 Capital Management LLC
Richard and Ellen Sandor
Steven and Lisa Schatz
Samuel and Karen Seymour
Burton and Nancy Staniar

Townsend Bancroft and the Norwood Foundation
Deborah Campbell
Robert Chesnut
Paula Michtom
Ravi and Manuja Mattu
Sue Morris
Abigail Pogrebin
Allen and Heidi Roberts
Annamarie Kostura
Robert Ecker
Margaret MacLean
Karen O’Haire
Diane Stewart
Amanda Taylor
Sherri Corning Eastman
Thomas Hasley
Andrea Labov Clark
Andrew Reading
Melanie Smith
Peggy Tanner
Joseph Francht

It is still time to support our Paris 1874 project in celebration of the 150th anniversary of Impressionism. Please click HERE if you wish to donate.

We would like to thank CHRISTIE’S for supporting our Impressionist Season.