Spring 2025:

Provence, in the footsteps of Van Gogh and Cézanne

May 10-May 17, 2025

Vincent Van Gogh, La Nuit étoilée, 1888, Huile sur toile, H. 73,0 ; L. 92,0 cm.Donation sous réserve d'usufruit M. et Mme Robert Kahn-Sriber, en souvenir de M. et Mme Fernand Moch, 1975 © Musée d’Orsay, Dist. RMN-Grand Palais / Patrice Schmidt

Following our 2024 spring trip to Normandy in the footsteps of the Impressionist, this year’s trip will head to Provence in the footsteps of Vincent Van Gogh and Cézanne, including:

  • Saint-Rémy de Provence, where Vincent was hospitalised for a year

  • Arles, where Vincent spent a year, prior to his hospitalisation in Saint-Rémy de Provence, and painted the famous Nuit étoilée

  • Camargue and Les Saintes-Maries de la Mer where Van Gogh spent a week in 1888

  • Château La Coste where art, architecture, haute cuisine and art-de-vivre celebrate nature and beauty

  • Aix-en-Provence where Cézanne lived and painted

  • Montagne Sainte-Victoire Cézanne walked and painted.

The trip will start in Paris with a private evening at the Musée d’Orsay on May 10th to rediscover the permanent collection and its masterpieces, including Van Gogh’s Nuit étoilée (Starry Night) and Cézanne’s painting of the Montagne Sainte-Victoire. It will be followed by an elegant cocktail and exclusive dinner by Alain Ducasse’s teams.

The trip will offer a unique opportunity to discover Provençal heritage at its best, combining art, history, craftsmanship and art-de-vivre through private tours and invitations and exclusive discoveries.

Paul Cézanne, Montagne Sainte-Victoire, Vers 1890, Huile sur toile, H. 65 ; L. 95,2 cm avec cadre H. 87 ; L. 117 ; EP. 12,1 cm. Donation sous réserve d'usufruit petite-fille d'Auguste Pellerin, 1969 © Musée d’Orsay, Dist. RMN-Grand Palais / Patrice Schmidt


This exclusive trip is primarily reserved to AFMO major patrons and members (International Collector and above levels). Limited capacity.

The trip is FULL. If you would like to find out more about AFMO’s trips , please email us.

To buy tickets to the exclusive May 10 dinner in support of the Museum, please click HERE.

Vincent Van Gogh La Chambre de Van Gogh à Arles, 1889, Huile sur toile, H. 57,3 ; L. 73,5 cm avec cadre H. 74,5 ; L. 90,7 ; EP. 9,5 cm. Cession en application du traité de paix avec le Japon, 1959, © Musée d’Orsay, Dist. RMN-Grand Palais / Patrice Schmidt