Art History Lectures: understanding art within the historical context
AFMO is launching a new series of art history conferences in partnership with Christophe Boïcos and Anne-Catherine Abecassis, both art historians and long time partners of AFMO.
Each lecture focuses on art history movements or trends, characters or events that are relevant to the periods covered by both the Orsay and the Orangerie, in order to bring new insight on these amazing times of political, economic, social and cultural changes.
In 2024, the lectures will focus on the birth and development of the Impressionist movement and bring historical insight on the political, social and cultural context at the time.
AFMO’S art history lectures are open to members and patrons, by invitation only. Check the event calendar.
Credit (carousel, previous page): Victor Navlet, Vue générale de Paris, prise de l'Observatoire, en ballon, en 1855. Huile sur toile, Sans cadre H. 400 ; L. 710 cm. Acquis sur la liste civile de Napoléon III à l'Exposition universelle, 1855 © RMN-Grand Palais (Musée d’Orsay) / Jean Schormans